среда, 31 октября 2012 г.

Hurricane Sandy

I thought always  that the most destructive hurricanes are female names.
Who are you?

Before and after

87 street

Manhattan in the dark


The Ship

the ashes



Before and after. Manhattan

Before and after. The bridge

The Plaza Shops

1 av

Manhattan.The subscriber is not available...

Park Avenue

86 Street subway station


Brooklyn Bridge. The carousel.

Call 9-1-1

From all my heart : God please help those people!


P.S. Original source http://www.ridus.ru/news/50953/

суббота, 27 октября 2012 г.

St.Peter's story

St. Petersburg is Venice of the North.
Even if you have not been to South Venice, St. Petersburg will mix your emotions which stuck in usual life.
My trip to St. Petersburg began a year ago, in October 2011.
In Paris.
When I find myself in a protracted journey, the idea about other trip come to my mind very easy.
We (my friend Pascal and I ) we sat in one of rooms of Louvre.
Paintings, sculpture, all the atmosphere are ... in short, we decided to meet in another cradle of world culture - in the Hermitage.
This is initially established tradition, we meet each other always for Pascal's birthday.
September was rainy in Pitersburg.
I crossed half of Russia to be in St. Petersburg on the day before my friend.
Probably should mention that I live in a small Siberian town Kemerovo.
This city is famous for open-pit mining of coal, natural gas fields, by the fact that a lot of Americans lived in my town at the beginning of the last century, they brought The Gold Rush in the postwar Siberia.
But communism is known to be won.
Kemerovo airport can not boast an abundance of flights within the country.
For example, I can fly to Milan, Frankfurt, Istanbul etc...
But I can not fly to St. Petersburg from Kemerovo.
I'm not talking about the pricing policies, which defies logical explanation at all.
For example, a round-trip to Dubai will be for me two times cheaper than a trip to Moscow.
I think that is a matter for the Federal Antimonopoly Service.
Anyway, I arrived  at the Pulkovo airport of St. Petersburg.
The airline "Siberia" (S7) lost my luggage.
Well, I'm at Petersburg and my luggage is at Moscow.
It's amusing that the fate seems unfair not too much when not only yours luggage is lost.
After one hour and half my luggage arrived to the final destination.
Arrival hall is small and quite uncomfortable.
If you are forced to stay there for more than an hour, you will discover it.
I hasten to inform you that you should not be hurry getting a taxi, the price is unforgivable, and the usual urban transport is enough for getting to the city.
Even if you do not speak in Russian, passengers will help you, be sure. This is guaranteed by the kindness of St. Petersburg's people.
In addition, thousands of foreign tourists come to St. Petersburg every day.
Subway supplied with indices in English.
Maps, signs are in English as well.

Palace Square
And by the way St. Petersburg is very young (in terms of average age), a lot of people speak in English at a level sufficient to help you.
Of course, before you come to this incredible city, please check out his history. And then much of what you see will to have a greater importance for you.

The Winter Palace

New Hermitage

Palace Square is never empty
St. Petersburg survived the one of the most inhumane wars.
And despite the general demoralization of the Russian population, the people of St. Petersburg will never forget the horrors of the siege.
872 days.
Leningrad 1944 source
City of Peter and Pavel
I'm sure you'll love Petersburg.
It will be very tender and mutual feeling.

Spas na krovi
Mind and heart
Spas na krovi


Big water. Neva
The city suffered several severe floods.

The history of flooding

The cradle of the Russian Navy

With sincerity,

All photos ©Ann Genergart

четверг, 25 октября 2012 г.

Чувство юмора СПбГУ

Я редкий гость  "В Контакте", но, сегодня я зашла... И первое, что я увидела на стене, спасибо Кирюше - моему замечательному другу..
Это фотографии, с позволения сказать, объявлений, которые, судя по информации со страницы "В контакте" обеспечил Зам.декана одного из факультетов  СПбГУ Евгений Держивицкий.
Тут приглядываться не нужно - весьма интересная личность :)

Итак, да простят меня за использование материала, но, я указала авторов :)
Окулистам на заметку

Бьюсь об заклад, с пятницей были проблемы :)

http://vk.com/id283034 - страница автора ВК

Могу сказать только одно - СПАСИБО, ДЕРЖИВИЦКИЙ!