How always do we see a reflection us real in a mirror?
Or we are only our avatars?
When I see little children is a perfect miracle :)
Mothers are angels-keepers at which were deprived wings coz adultery, but they are able to guard the children however.
It is the unknown program which is started in the organism of woman.
Often incomprehensible, inexplicable, individual.
They create safe reality round their children.
How always do we see a reflection us real in a mirror?
Strange, first we search our parents in us, find - and we are glad by this likeness :)
Later, we deny our likeness, tearing away an invisible placenta with a root.
Some part of our lives we paint our reflection: hair-do, color of hairs, smile, gait, voice, conduct, style, status...
Social attractiveness as modern type of obsession.
And, when neurosis of disparity of internal and external arrives at the hight point... we go back to a search real us...
We find our parents inside us, and we are so happy then...
And we are so happy when our children see likeness with us
Thankful daughter Grem Ivana
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