суббота, 29 декабря 2012 г.

пятница, 21 декабря 2012 г.

Кто не писал стихов в 17?

Странное чувство,
Когда не знаешь,
Что ищешь, а что теряешь
На краю безумства…
Но я продолжаю Свой путь,
И уверяю Себя не свернуть
В сторону столь привлекательной лжи.
В сердце стремятся измен ножи,
И нечем прикрыть своей наготы,
И от насмешек спасти мечты.
Так, капля за каплей, уходит вон,
Как из распахнутых настежь окон
В зимний мороз вылетает тепло,
Способность любить

Да, где мои 17-ть лет ? :)


понедельник, 17 декабря 2012 г.

My heart Ingushetia

I truly love this Republic.
Ingushetia is a small but incredibly beautiful republic.
I'm not just talking about the nature or culture, I'm talking about people.
My heart remained with those whom I love forever.
No one has the right to judge those whom they do not know.  
The people with whom God has given me the opportunity to meet, this people are incredible, they are the salt of The Earth. 

вторник, 11 декабря 2012 г.

Beautiful ! What can I say more?


With sincerity

Paper shape

I always say that we are endowed with incredible strength - we are able to сreate!
Well it's beautiful believe me
Anouk Vogel for Japan 

Official site - http://www.anoukvogel.nl/
All photos - © Jeroen Musch

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Do you love PIZZA as I love it?

Listen or download Amore vieni for free on Prostopleer

Is this a dictate of social networks for business rules?
I definitely love PIZZA.
But I hate the treadmill, and that fact I have to deal with the physical self-torture after eating pizza.
And of course, this is the question of an individual metabolism, not pizza.
But Canadian Pizza Hut has decided to release "a perfume" - "Pizza Hut"
They asked on Facebook page 'Do you love the smell of a box of Pizza Hut pizza being opened?'

Yes, I will answer, Yes, I love the smell of pizza when I'm hungry and I have plan to eat.
But, what should I do when my partner smells like a pizza?
Or this, Valentine's Day and I get a gift - a perfume "Pizza Hut" with a postcard "My pumpkin, now I'll love you more, because you'll smell like pepperoni and pasta"?
Well, first of all I'll kill my partner only for "my pumpkin"...
I wonder, is a total failure to assess the risks and make a really interesting marketing event?
Who starts the production based on a sample of 160 people in a social network?
Perhaps a common sense and creativity are in short supply now.

воскресенье, 2 декабря 2012 г.

1st september: Memory

It happened in November 2007.
I was on a business trip in North Ossetia.
It was a trip with new project, a lot of  hard work, interesting tasks inside
We (I and my colleague) lived in a small guest house in the center of Vladikavkaz. The family, in whose house we lived, was a pretty classic Ossetian family.
The father of that family is an aviator. Classic aviator I mean, everything what he can speak about is  an aviation, about everything  what have 2 wings or somehow can rise above the ground.
But he do not believe in UFO :)
I asked him specially.
Matrona, well she is the gynecologist.
This is very useful when a doctor is in the family.
Yes, I ask you not to confuse North Ossetia and South Ossetia.
When I only found out  that I would go to Vladikavkaz, I decided to go to Beslan.
If you type into Google "Beslan", you'll get a lot of photos and videos, you'll learn a lot information about that tragedy of 2004.
The first of September is a special day for the people of Beslan.
The police make a cordon around the destroyed school ... long before the first day of an autumn.
We were traveling by car, one our friend agreed to take us there.
My colleague bought roses, I choosed Calla.
We were advised to bring drinking water for kid's soules...
They needed very much a drinking water, when terrorists blocked their school ....
I am lucky to chatty men, you know ...
A colleague of mine is endowed with an undeniable talent, he chatters incessantly.
Often, he does not need to interlocutors.
After the tragedy of Beslan city has received funding from various charitable funds  of the world.
The city had built roads, hospitals, schools, kindergartens ... but .. Unfortunately, a lot of money  left in the pockets of corrupt officials.

We parked a block from the ruined school.
We walked with flowers and bottles of drinking water.
We entered in the school territory and passed through the school's stadium ... A talkativeness of my partner dissolved step by step.
The structure of the school  building was a classic, my school was so similar  . Gym was located in a separate wing of the building.
Red brick building ... the damaging roof ... traces of fire are everywhere .. No windows, no doors ... time stood still here.
I couldn't dare to go inside some time, from a distance I saw hundreds of photos, candles, fresh flowers ...
Drinking water runs down the wall at the entrance ...
The smell ... There is nothing special about the smell of a fire ... but there .. It's the smell of the pain, the fear, the death, the despair ..
Being there was incredibly hard
Our driver stayed outside the school grounds ... his nephew was killed there in 2004.
I stood in the middle of the ruined sports hall. A few holes in the wooden floor, wires, which were used for  bombs.
A large wooden cross
I stood there and thought that God was probably very busy with something completely different if he let children to die ...
Long time I have had no idea where I can leave flowers
They were unnecessary, I was unnecessary, we've all been  unnecessary ... there
But over time, things have changed .
We left the flowers, water .. and gone ..

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