воскресенье, 30 сентября 2012 г.

FaLlinG saTelliTe

I, like many of my friends, was shocked by that huge disasters in Roskosmos.
05 dec 2010: Three russians satellites "GLONAS" fell into the Pacific Ocean. The reason has been named as  "the surplus of fuel."
Head of the Federal Space Agency Anatoly Perminov said, "... the situation was unpleasant, but it wasn't a catastrophe. The starting position hasn't been destroyed and people didn't died" (source).
According to Perminov, it was a technical fault.
In February 2011, Roskosmos made an unsuccessful satellite launch "Geo-IK-2". The satellite was not launched into orbit and burned in the dense layers of the Earth's atmosphere after 3 months. Experts estimate it costed 1 billion rubles.
I think there is all reasons to listen to the Head of the Federal Agency. Perminov's track record makes us think, at least, this man knows what he's talking about.(Wikipedia)

Just one information struck in my head as very interesting.
Son of Anatoly Perminov, his name is Igor Perminov, he is a member of the Board "Mezhtopenergobank"
April 19, 2012 we has seen the information (in the mass media) that the Federal Space Agency has have a deposit account in the "Mezhtopenergobank." In that account were placed money intended for the development of space industry in Russia.
If this information is true, I wondered what money can we speak about, for example ?
From of.site Federalspace
Looking at the numbers of limits budget plan, I understand they take the budgets of  Roscosmos without amendments. Ad note, the Federal Space Agency is a key administrators of budget funds of subordinate organizations.
In order to place the budget money on deposit accounts, that funds must be spent (in terms of budget)...

After the collapse of three russians satellites in December 2010, the Government of Russia said about the possibility of Perminov's resignation. But Perminov retired in April 2011 (retirement on reaching the age limit.) In 2010 Vladimir Popovkin could be the Head of the Federal Space Agency. He took this post in April 2011 (four months after the fall of russians satellites Glonass).
This is quite normal period, I believe that the de facto leadership change occurred much earlier. De jure, Anatoly Perminov was able to quietly retire.
Rules of the "Family".
Well, The Office has received a new Head. And?
August 2011 - a disaster with rocket carrier "Proton - M", after Roskosmos lost the ship "Progress" - the ship did not go into orbit and crashed in the Altai (source).
Accident in December 2010 - we lost 4 billion rubles.
In total Roskosmos sent  16 billion rubles into space in 2010 - 2011 (august).
November 2011, the interplanetary station "Phobos - Grunt" has been lost.
The Head of Roscosmos  referred to the lack of funding.
Interesting conclusion ...
In my opinion, the Head of Roscosmos must react at the right time, correctly.
Search excuses is the choice of weak leadership.
What will you do if the guillotine stick out  over your head ?
With a very high degree of probability, you will try to push someone else on the scaffold (maybe the old accomplice, the witness of your failures).
Technology is always simple: to create a large number of companies, some contracts are for one company, some - for others, which in turn use subcontractors.

They talk about the crisis in the departement.
I say that is not surprising. The main goal is budget, money. Goal to create something good is not exist.
As a citizen of my country, I do not want to feel ashamed.
I do not want to think and be aware of the fact that most of the ministers and officials are not the best part of humanity.

I do not have the facts, and I do not have the tool to change this situation.
December 2011 showed to all the world that Russian people do not have the right to choose in their own country.
Unfortunately, we can record the fact that the Russian space program is in a coma.
The Russian education system destroyed.
Russia's defense is questionable.
I write about what I feel as a citizen of my country.

P.S. I do not support vandalism
The inscription on the monument to Yuri Gagarin is an act of vandalism.


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