воскресенье, 15 апреля 2012 г.

your breath is my wine

Your words are my food, your breath my wine. You are everything to me. \ Sarah Bernhardt \
How often have you heard these words in your address?
How often have you said those words to someone?
How often the words, that you heard or talked to someone... how often this words was an accurate reflection of what you feel? This is not a question of candor with someone. This is a question of candor with yourself. Total crushhh  is my diagnosis.
Generally speaking, I think words are not able to reflect any of the feelings. I'm a maniac, especially when I'm looking for the right (to me) words. But ... I always infected by love . And I do not have the last-past love. It means that I fall in love with wrong, but amazing people.
And my love is always breath and wine and everything to me. 


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