пятница, 20 января 2012 г.

Homosexuality in the Soviet Union and Russia


Not so long time ago ( at  "Let Them Talk" Malakhov's talkshow ) people discussed the topic of homosexuality. Russian society is similar to the Soviet Union's  a lot.
The audience was divided into 3 groups: those who accept the gay's right , those who do not,  and those who do not care about it.
Before I continue, I want to show my position.
I am not a proponent of radical measures in relation to gays and lesbians.
I do not think that these people are ill or in need of treatment because of their sexual orientation.
I think that  gays, as well as straights people, need support and help. They live the same life, in the same world.
Although I am not right, they live in a more cruel world.
I do not think that it is correct or adequate measure - the hospitalization or isolation of gays and lesbians I mean.
I do not support those who equate homosexuality with pedophilia. My point is simple: I think that the right of everyone to love it's imperative.
In the homophobia world, probably, gay - it's a pervert with no moral values​​. This is a sick person who is not alright with his head.

I know many gay men who are very spiritual, intelligent, educated and talented people.
I know many straight people that are very interesting people.
For me as a person, most important is person, but not his sexual orientation.
And I do not accept Idea that  pedophilia is sexual orientation, for me - it is abuse of a child. Crime against a child can not be justified by anything.
I watched this tv-show, I watched how people react to the topic of homosexuality.
Unfortunately, the reaction to a gay is similar  to a person with AIDS.
This is a dead-end public position.
I found a bill about punish homosexuality. USSR 1933 15 sept.

In the above document proposes to introduce a measure of punishment for homosexuality - imprisonment from 5 to 8 years.

Source of info: Diletant press

and Archive of the President of the Russian Federation


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