пятница, 16 июля 2010 г.

From my old blog: My grandfather liked to write long letters.

The Draft to an epistolary genre at me, apparently, congenital.

My grandfather — the survived horror of concentration camp the person who has given birth to 10 children from three women loved by him (one of them is my grandmother).

He had the lacks and the indisputable advantages.
I cannot understand, when about the person speak in a category «good» - «bad».The person considerably more difficult matter to get it briefly.
My grandfather liked to philosophize, but… Unfortunately, as well as the more part of men, he had two opinions: His opinion and… Wrong opinion
But, with it, my grandfather was perfect charming

I know very good that the centre of gravity in family relations always lays on the woman. And the woman determines what will be her family.

The man brings a tonality in the basic melody.

I know, that modern women protect they independence by all means, frequently losing this independence in war against men.
I know, that many women are frightened to connect their lives with someone because they are frightened of mistakes.

But… I know a story of other relations.

I know a history which began from despair, then have developed into love, passion, then hatred, then again in love, affection, tenderness

I know a history of difficult relations of my grandfather and grandmother.

I know a history of opposition of two persons which did not concede each other

I know a history of two parents which brought up both joint children, and separate children.

My grandfather has died three years ago

And he liked so to receive long letters

23 nov'08

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