I do not know how in others places, but trains are something in Russia.
Now I go from Rostov —On — Don to Nalchik (the Kabardino-Balkarian republic), few hours ago it has been one trip by the car to Ingushetia — Magas.
So, about the Russian railways…
The eighteenth century was coming to an end. The Great Emperor did not know that Russia lags behind the advanced countries of the world. The horse is the primary means of movement within the big Russia. But technological progress is inevitable. The first railway was built between Moscow and Tsarskoye Selo.
It was the imperial fun. For the rich and famous, for the favorites and the favorites.
Then the railway communication began to develop. And when in the world the railway transportation became standard, in Russia it was the privilege of notable people.
Then Revolution. And railways bore on themselves a sickle and a hammer of communism. (By the way, only from book of Arundhaty Roi I have learned that Russia is similar to India not only by Roerich or Chakroborty, but also… Communism. Communistic movements were very strong during 60-s' years in India).
But about railway achievements in Russia…
The communism travelled on a iron hump down to 1990. I feel myself some like witness of great death (or murders).
Communist rails were destroyed in 1990.
And emptiness. Misunderstanding. Confused (and if it is possible to apply this word to him, but tousled) Michael Gorbachev. I remember him very well.
All has changed.
Railway valour of Russia has turned to her shame. All is destroyed. Miners sat on rails, demanding wages for half-year. Rails, cars — all was plundered.
People have lost the country and tried to compensate this loss by all than will turn up.
Now is 8 p.m. Soluble coffee in a glass with a metal coaster. The teaspoon clanking, it irritates me a little. But I bear. I go by a double compartment. I'm alone, and InshAllah.
The train brakes so, that my glass strives to jump off from a small little table. The battery on mine notebook is over soon. I have no opportunity to write longer.
I hope, that this record was interesting to you.
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