Somebody thought what the economic crisis is not simply a fever of exchange parameters?
First of all, it's a social drama.
Today, when I went home, by radio informed that the owner some large consulting business in America has committed suicide.
He has enclosed money in a financial pyramid, and that, naturally, has collapsed.
But any radio station in the world don't narrate that in a small small town Kemerovo from mines is dismissed with hundreds people!
Miners remain without means of subsistence.
I know only one case when the engineer, which has worked twenty years on mine, he has been dismissed.The person has come home, has said goodbye to mother, and has shot to itself at a head!!!
And the reason here not only that he will have nothing to eat, and nothing to support his old mother.
All life he worked on mine, work was his life, he has enclosed his soul in it, he has enclosed in it all himself.
And in one moment they simply told him, that he is not necessary any more.
I don't have a words…
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