суббота, 20 августа 2011 г.

Luis Fonsi - Respira

17 reasons Why

17 Reasons Why :

1.  I love you even when you're angry and unfair to me.
I love you with all your flaws. (Just forgive me I smoke) :)))
3.  I love you even when you're driving me crazy with your jealousy and your delusions.

4.  I love you  with all your ex, I'm not asking you to be a clean sheet.

5.  I love and you are my Today. I do not ask and do not guarantee tomorrow.
6.  I love you. And I'm not your baby.
I love you. Despite the fact that we are totally different.
8.  I love you. Despite the fact that we are totally similar.
9.  I love you. And you are not required of me to conquer the Universe. And you accept me who I AM.

10. I love you. And we do not feel uncomfortable when we are silent together.
11. I love you. And we both not believe in "forever"
12. I love you. And you can say not only "I love you", but  "Forgive me" also
13. I love you. And you can wait for me, wherever I was.
14. I love you. And it's not just crazy hormonal cocktail
15. I love you. And I know that your heart is enough space for my strength and my weakness.

16. I love you. No ownership  
17. I love you. I'm constantly your soul-guard, no matter where are you, how long time between  us, how much time you'll go away , I just know  that you'll come back.  


Photo from


P.P.S I have a looong beautiful love story with "17"

вторник, 9 августа 2011 г.

Dame jaleo

Rationalization - it is rather a mechanism of protection from themselves.
We use rationalization as a basic tool for survival. But we forget about the emotional aspect. Why, tell me when we were kids - the world seemed huge, so huge, but at the same time the world was understandable.
Yes, the child does not know how an internal combustion engine is arranged, but I have the impression that the children have some hidden knowledge.
Like Peter Pan and Tinker Bell.
Children grow up under the constant supervision of they parents.
Children grow up and lose the ability to feel.
And then, as adults, they begin to play the game, no rules, no limits, but all a time troubles with heart ... DAME JALEO


Time and Distance

We say that time and distance are treated.
What do you think? Is it truth?

Photo from http://www.azblog.ru/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/time.jpg

суббота, 6 августа 2011 г.


Выставочный центр Торгово-промышленной палаты в разрушенной Хиросиме

Трудно представить себе, что человек на такое способен, но по факту да.
Помню, когда училась в школе, выбрала по социологии доклад именно на тему Хиросимы.
Я читала газетные вырезки, книги, статьи, дневники современников...
И со страниц на меня вскарабкивался ужас.
Пережив такое... Япония смогла встать на ноги.
И после Фукусимы тоже, японцы демонстрируют невероятный дух всегда и во всем, начиная с созерцания сакуры, заканчивая выживанием после вселенских катастроф и войн.

Храни нас всех от повторении чего-либо подобного.