Journalism is a measure of freedom or unfreedom of society.
11/13/2010 - journalist Oleg Kashin was brutally beaten near his house.
Two unidentified men were waiting for him outside the house.
A few facts from history:

Dmitry Kholodov killed in the newspaper in an explosion of mini-bombs.
All suspects in murder of journalist repeatedly justified the statute of limitations on the case expired in 2004.
Vladislav Listyev was shot dead in his apartment building.
The case is still unsolved, perpetrators are found and brought to justice.


Larisa Yudina was stabbed to death.
"Hands" were put on trial, customers crime is not found.

Anna Politkovskaya was shot dead.
Unfortunately, the list goes on.
My opinion, this is an unhealthy situation in a society where the right to vote is a paper fiction.
When the right choice is a farce in every campaign.
Election of Deputies of fucking collection - is a farce, elections of mayors - a farce in the cube, the elections ...
Elections - is a bubble, beautiful but empty in substance.
What kind of democracy we are talking about when human rights are not there more ?...
We are not safe in our country!